Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Why the measures by the PP respond to natural causes

"I'll ruin, yeah, I'll ruin you!
(I'll roo!)
I've been doing things I shouldn't do! 
(Things I shouldn't do!)"
"I'm A Ruin" - Marina And The Diamonds 

There's no such thing as a wrong vote. Everybody defends their interest when casting theirs: some want x, some want y, some want a handsome president, some are being paid to vote in a certain way... Everything responds to individual interest, and that makes those votes as fair as they can be. In Spain we've got this situation that hasn't changed since the late '70s and offers a good thing and an ominous factor: we have a wide variety of political parties to choose, but absolutely nobody cares a bit about any but two or, recently, four.

So, as I stated just before, this has brought to a state where there are four shitpiles of possible choices: the PP and Ciudadanos in the right wing, and PSOE (if it survives next elections) and Podemos in the left, also known as the rest because who the F cares.

You know those artist that make super-lifelike drawings? Yeah.
The great favourite lately seems to be Ciudadanos, as shown by social media... or BuzzFeed (remember when I said some just want a handsome president? Only explanation I can find (and, still, where are the bears? I'd vote ERC)). So Ciudadanos, or C's, proves its fidelity to the right with two of its star measures: elimination of 4% extra bill on products (making 10% the minimum and causing families with low salaries to not be able to access first necessity products) and reduction of maximum contracts per capita to one (along with our shitty minimum salary, making sure all of the working class is forced into the group of families depending on the deceased 4%).

This sums it up.
The PSOE has been the only left wing option visible to sheep for decades until the formation of Podemos in 2014. After its historically lowest results in the last elections, it appears as obvious to be heading on its downfall fast towards definite extinction (yay!). There is no better way to describe the PSOE than the way Pablo Iglesias, leader of Podemos, does it: it's formed by people willing to change Spain for good and corrupted veterans (see also, 99'9%) keeping that from happening.

Podemos, within its systematical apparently weed-induced program, probably less realistic than most science fiction stories, is, for its fidelity to the left wing, the best choice for anyone whose money can't buy the soul and left kidney of every Syrian refugee in Europe, Asia and Donald Trump's mom's house.

And... And the others are the PP. Let's see what they did in their legislature of presidence:
  • They've raised college prices.
  • They've tried to criminalize abortions in most scenarios, even though they only got to in the case of minors under 16 without parental consent.
  • They've raised college prices indirectly by adding one year to the master courses, almost doubling the original prize (raising above the triple in some sectors) of minimal qualificating education for most research or clinical careers.
  • They've paralyzed tons and tons of regional and statal laws for the protection of LGBT collectives (ehm... Which mental institution did you say #SoyGayYDelPP started in?).
  • They've simplified and concentered the school subject of philosophy, making it unreachable from a certain educational level to science and technology students.
  • They've paralyzed the essential and necessary Law of Transsexuality (link to news in Spanish about the subject), redacted around 2010 by a trans PSOE member and active only in Madrid since weeks ago.
  • They've added prices to certain public health services and cut subventions to public hospitals and drugstores.
And the list could go on and on listing the very most natural consequences of bearing a right-wing government. It seems really obvious to me: the privatizing of essential sectors like education or health and the boycott of their public faction for the benefit of those accessing private services, the systematical annihilation of the right to progress for any minority, the homogenization of points of view in students and media consumers... Everything responds to right wing interests. Did people expect anything else? Does people expect anything else from Ciudadanos, DiL, any right wing party?

Everytime you hear an acquiantance or friend is giving a vote to those parties, provided you're a worker, remember: they are voting for your annihilation.

Nothing else to say.

Friday, March 11, 2016

Why modern "science" is sometimes bullshit


"Well, daddy likes to teach!
Counts for the muttered words you like to speak,
But it sounds like vomit to my ears!"
"Philosopher My Arse" - Marina and The Diamonds 

I don't know why, but we all spent our good time hyped about it: a group of bonobos without the ability to take conclusions out of empirical research "proved" that "straight girls are not a thing."

But before talking about that... ehem, "discovery," I want to tell you about a word. This term, if it deserves to be called anything else than a distasteful swearing word, is "autogynephilia." It describes the "fetish men who will to become female while aren't sexually attracted exclusively to men feel." It must be mentioned, too, that the same theory classifies the rest of "men willing to become female" as "homosexual transsexuals," described as "excessively effeminate homosexuals." It does not take a genius to deduce why this theory is so awful it would make a cat puke: reducing a person's identity and life choices to sex is so stupid and cruel it even sounds like Freud... literally. Actually, if I have to speak about my personal case, which just happens to be actual experience, sex is precisely the downfall: though I've exclusively found myself attracted to men so far, it does not mean I'm willing to lose sexual desire as well as sensitivity in my genitalia, which is a direct side effect of a male-to-female sexual reassignment treatment including sex-change surgery.

Which explains quite a lot.

However, the autogynephilia theory is taken as a scientific theory since it's... "based on empirical observations?" They must be kidding.

In order to sustain this unsustainable "theory," a group of nazi transphobes "scientists" asked some trans women if they preferred to carry the male or the female sex in sexual intercourse. Most answers given by those women stated that they preferred to carry the female sex, HOW UNEXPECTED. This was automatically translated to "they want to have a vagina because they fetish it," implying that, well, since cisgender women also like having a vagina during sex, every single person who conforms with the female sex fetishes it. Sorry, females, your biological sex is a fetish.

Back to the initial point, straight women don't exist because a group of "scientists" made them dissapear by clicking their fingers or some other magical method. Here's how they did it:

They showed a group of women (the paper doesn't seem to specify their biological sex, which, unlike their sexual orientation, is actually observable) lesbian porn and found out they were aroused by it. That way, sensible scientists would say they had proven:
  • Humans get turned on by sex.
  • As we knew since decades ago, more than 90% of humans, regardless of their biological sex and gender identity, are bisexual.
*clap clap clap*

Can somebody give this people a Nobel Prize already, please? No, no, wait, there's more: the conclusion they took wasn't any of the above. As this post has been giving away all along, this was "proof that no woman is straight." Sorry, but I know a woman or two that would get grossed out if forced to have sex with other women and wouldn't agree otherwise, so, sorry, but no.

Stop trying to apply human traits to one sex/gender or another. We human beings share idiosyncrasies as a species, and sexuality is one of them. Sorry, but women are not asexual blobs unable to feel arousal (actually, that's something the experiment actually proved) and men are not mindless apes unable to feel anything but arousal (and the fact that the [though idiotic] experiment was designed and conducted by men proves that). We have differences, but those are differences between individuals, not between collectives you have the right to separate. If instinct still had the same weight as in early evolutional stages most of the ambients we live in and the artifacts we use would be impossible.

Grow out of it, Freudians. S. Freud could easily have made up his theory while masturbating... and, actually, that would make sense to me.