(WARNING, the Eurovision live version is much better and lacks the brain-melting autotune)
Everybody does a show!
If you like it, click and go!"
"The Social Network Song" - Valentina Monetta
Once you post something on the Internet, you're willing for some Greek man called Kostas to find it and tell you he wants to take you to his country and be your man forever... What? It's only me, you say? Well, uh... It's not that, I mean... Uh...
Well, so, as you know, I post things on the Internet; not only because it's mandatory for English class but also because I actually have something to say and share with the world, regardless of whether it's Greek strong hairy muscleguts or not... Let's just forbid the terms for the rest of this entry, okay?
So, as a person who wants to share opinions and thoughts with the world, I'm also a person who would like to have some kind of interaction with their readers (you can comment on my posts, by the way. It's possible. Come on, give that comment button some love) and, concretely, a person who likes to see what those numbers at the audience meters mean. That for, I sometimes check the Stats tab, specially when I'm bored. One could say it's just to feed my ego (oh well...) but I think it's interesting. So, I checked it on my blog for last year, Littlest Things, and this is what I found out:
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Love you, Russia!... Please, don't harm me :'( |
I think I can be proud to say that at least only 55'66% (o_o) of the visitors were from my own country, which means that 568/1281 (44'34%) of the people who has ever stepped into Littlest Things are international cuties who either read something written by me or just got there by mistake and left less than 10 seconds later.
There are Russians that perhaps like what I say, lots of them. Russia is not in my must-visit list (let's check: Greece, Greece, Greece, Montenegro, Greece... no, not Russia), but it stands out as a country that confuses me. It's maybe because I live in the pro-US side of the world, but most things I hear about Russia are quite horrible. I'd really love to talk to a Russian person willing to make me see that Russia is full of beautiful people who don't want all of us LGBT people to hang from trees as lifeless corpses...
Whether you write in English, Spanish, French, Italian, Russian, Montenegrin, Greek, Romanian or Swahili, the US are going to be in your top 3. Why? I don't know, but it also happens in The Meltdowning Potato (as of today, the daily statistics show the United States to hold a 4:6 (so, a 2:3) proportion with Spain, being, of course, Spain the 6) and even in my Catalan blog (in all time statistics, the US hold a 26:33 proportion with Spain... I wonder how many of those visitors understood a word of what's written there)!
My posts' titles are sometimes a bit of a clickbait. It's not that I want to change that, I don't think of it as a misleading clickbait but rather as a door to a probably interesting reading (or to a mush of unfortunate words, everything is opinions). Some wake more interest than others, and that's okay.
Unlike my first thoughts suggested, some people might enter my blog to actually read what's written in it and even my opinion, as shown by the superiority of interest-waking titles, meaning that, well, that they wake interest.
The only thing left to check would be the traffic sources. I don't think there is much to say about them: most visitors come from the classroom's 4eso2015 blog and some of my classmates'. There's also some links to the images posted (mainly the one with the sign that reads "Women are guilty of domestic violence too" from the entry "Time to fight for men's rights" and the one with the housewife from the entry "Why do men cheat on women?") and some google searches. On the other hand, all of them together don't get to be 1281 visitors (not even 100, actually), so those statistics probably miss some major traffic sources worth mentioning (there is an actually really sexy furry drawing by Grisser there, how did a man with a sign and a sad housewife attract more people than that?)...
So, sorry for this quite pointless but figure-filled post. I was really bored (the Holiday Effect) and, well, I thought all those observations I was making on those statistics were curious and worth of mention in this blog (I admit my bad humour and dirty mind filled gaps in this entry, sorry about that). I hope you enjoyed it, though, as well as my other posts. There isn't much to comment about this (unless you're a musclegut willing to make me yours Russian and want to open my eyes to the actual open-minded Russia), but I'd love to see your comments in some of my other "Your Say" posts!